Jude Griebel (b.1978 - Bergen, Canada)
Works and lives in Brooklyn, USA
Procession (2020) 21" x 47" x 34" Wood, Adhesives, Acrylic
Jude Griebel creates sculptures that explore human impact on the world by fusing animate and inanimate forms into singular identities. The careful crafting of these works and their miniature details counter the central themes of hyperactive production, and on demand delivery. Laboriously carved from wood and painted, they represent hours of reflection on the meaning of being an active consumer in this world and struggling to imagine models beyond it. Using invention, humor and speculation my work envisions new ways to visualize our behaviors and resulting global predicament. The mechanics of consumerism is a driving theme behind these works, with a specific focus on the factory food system and its implications for land depletion and climate shift. These patterns are played out on the surfaces of sculptures that express the physical and psychological fallout. In my work, anatomies become a stage for human cycles of consumption, literal embodiments of various compromised environments. In the sculpture Procession, a figure’s head represents a city, with a chain of detailed animals leaving factory farms on the figure’s back only to be reabsorbed through its maw. The sad predicament of these creatures is unwillingly witnessed by another face on the reverse of the work, its dual knowledge and denial of the event evident by its peeking through its fingers.